Can Coffee Really Cause Cancer?

After a judge in California ruled that coffee should carry a cancer warning, because it contains acrylamide, coffee sellers and consumers were quite worried. This is because coffee is the second most consumed beverage in the United States.

Acrylamide is a chemical compound that is created when coffee is being roasted. It can also be formed in other plant-based foods that are exposed to high temperatures during processing. Examples of these include toast, potato chips, french fries, and others. For some delicious morning coffee, check out our best Sumatra coffee guide here.

Should Coffee Have A Cancer Warning?

The judge’s ruling has clearly put the coffee industry in jeopardy of severe civil penalties. Companies in the industry would have to look for ways to remove the chemical, or warn consumers about a possible cancer risk.

A law that was referred to as Proposition 65 (or Prop 65), which was passed by voters in California, says that products with carcinogenic substances, or those that can cause birth defects should have a warning label to warn consumers.

In 2016, the World Health Organization issued a message, assuring coffee consumers that coffee does not pose a threat to their health.

The information issued declares that the beverage has no significant cancer risk, even though it contains a substance that is listed as being carcinogenic.

With the recent go-ahead, companies can now relax, considering that attempting to get rid of acrylamide, after beans were roasted, would have ruined the flavor.

Coffee Is A Complex Mixture Of Substances

After a review of more than 1,000 studies, it was clear that there wasn’t enough evidence to guarantee that coffee is potentially carcinogenic. To make things even more interesting, it was established that coffee has a mixture of carcinogenic and anti-carcinogenic compounds.

As such, it would be correct to say that consumption of coffee is not associated with cancer risks.

Factors To Consider About Cancer Warnings

According to a director of a Cancer Center, consumers should pay attention to the following factors about cancer warnings.

1. Desensitization To Cancer Warnings

The director advises consumers to avoid letting desensitization to warnings bring on a passive approach to their healthcare.

2. Fewer Processed Foods And Chemicals Lower The Risk Of Cancer

Consumers should consider decreasing their intake of processed foods, and try as much as they can to eat a whole food diet. That way, they will avoid gaining unnecessary weight, considering that obesity has been linked to varying types of cancer.

3. Lifestyle Choices Vs. Cancer Warnings

Lifestyle choices that include, but are not limited to, smoking and drinking alcohol put you at a higher cancer risk, compared to consumable products that have a cancer warning sign.

If you are a coffee lover, one thing that should put a smile on your face is the fact that coffee is not hazardous to your health.

As such, there is no need for a warning, so customers can enjoy the taste and smell of their perfectly brewed coffee in peace, knowing that everything will be okay.