Ah, coffee: the magic elixir I look forward to every morning. It’s been around for centuries and has been our go-to option for a morning or afternoon pick-me-up. But with its popularity, comes the question about its acidity levels and how it affects our stomachs and teeth. You may have heard that espresso is less …
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What Is The Best Coffee For Acid Reflux?
Are you someone who loves coffee but suffers from acid reflux or GERD? Do you constantly struggle to find a coffee that won’t aggravate your symptoms? Don’t worry, you are not alone. In fact, I went through a hell period from October 2022 and even now, I get some uncomfortable heartburn and acid reflux symptoms. …
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How Soon Can You Drink Coffee After Taking Omeprazole?
Are you someone who suffers from GERD or heartburn symptoms and take Omeprazole? If the answer is yes, then you might have been puzzled about whether it’s safe to drink coffee while taking omeprazole. In October of 2022 until end of year, I started having nausea episodes soon after eating rich meals. I found out …
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