Coffee Enemas – Everything You Need to Know About Them!

Coffee has many benefits, most of which have been proven scientifically. One of the uses of coffee that has a direct impact on human health is the performance of enemas.

For years, enemas have been known to clean the rectal area. Different tools have been used to perform enemas, and the use of coffee as one of the tools isn’t new. Jiale Coffee is here to cover this topic in detail 😉

Although enemas are effective, they are usually done when all other alternatives have been explored, and there’s no other choice. ***We do not provide medical advice and you should contact your doctor before attempting any coffee enemas, if you’re thinking of doing so!***

Coffee Enemas – What It Is & How It Works!

So, what is a coffee enema?  Prepare to be enlightened!

A coffee enema, like the enemas above, uses a mixture of coffee and water, which is inserted into the rectum to soften the stool.

Unlike the others, the coffee enema hasn’t had much scientific research done around it. The few that have been done found that it has many side effects that can become fatal, or cause some serious health damage.

The use of coffee for enemas targets the common properties found in coffee, such as caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline, which all enhance the flow of bile in the body.

The bile then enhances digestion, leading to a better bowel movement. It’s also believed that the benefits of a coffee enema are the same as those gotten from drinking coffee.

According to research done in human and experimental toxicology, the effects of coffee during production were found to be very minimal, which contradicts the whole idea that a coffee enema is based on.

The research (which involved 11 volunteers) found that after getting coffee enemas, and also drinking coffee for a certain period, the expected results were minimal.

This is in line with another study done in 2014, which found that coffee enemas were more helpful for those getting ready for an endoscopy.

Despite these studies, many people still believe in the power of coffee enemas and do them at home.

Are Coffee Enemas Safe?

Evidence suggests that coffee enemas could be harmful.

According to the National Cancer Institute, 3 deaths reported in relation to coffee enemas. One may have occurred due to bacterial infection (couldn’t be confirmed); the other wo other deaths occurred due to electrolyte imbalance.

According to a Letter to the Editor published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, a coffee enema caused proctocolitis in a Korean woman.

Not exactly safe.

Coffee enemas may be a problem if you’re sensitive to caffeine or if you take medications that interact with caffeine.

Colon cleansing may cause:

  • rectal burns
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • cramping
  • bloating
  • dehydration
  • bowel perforation
  • infection caused by improperly sterilized equipment

How Do Coffee Enemas Work? The Coffee Enema Process:

You’ll need ground coffee and a coffee machine, together with enema tools, like a bag and tube.

Start by making diluted coffee, with the quantity of water being higher than that of the coffee. Two tablespoons should be used in 1 liter of water. Ensure that all the ground coffee is dissolved, then let it cool to room temperature.

Let the patient lie on the side, and use the enema tube to insert the coffee into the rectum. You can apply lubricant on the tube to prevent too much friction when being inserted.

Insert half the coffee, and wait for approximately 15 minutes before the person tries to relieve themselves in the bathroom.

It is important to note that the process may not work the first time and may, therefore, be repeated not less than 2 hours later. It’s also advisable to perform the procedure near a professional doctor.

Health Benefits of Coffee Enemas

There is no exact proof and we do not claim that these benefits actually exist.  This is what has been reported.

Coffee enemas may help with the following:

  • Boosting immunity
  • Increasing energy
  • Relieving Constipation
  • Removing parasites from the digestive tract
  • Stopping yeast overgrowth
  • Treating autoimmune diseases
  • Removing heavy metals from the body
  • Treating depression

Coffee Enema Side Effects

While drinking coffee doesn’t have many negative side effects, the coffee enema is different. Some of the common side effects are tearing of the intestines or the anal area during insertion, and dehydration or infection arising from poorly cleaned tools. Sepsis, pericardial effusions, or electrolyte imbalance could also occur.

In the worst cases, coffee enemas could cause heart failure, which could turn fatal. These side effects are most likely to occur if the enema is done frequently, if the tools are not properly cleaned before or after use, or if hot coffee is used in a hurry.

These side effects have also been reported to be extreme for people suffering from intestinal cancer or tumors, heart disease, hemorrhoids, blood vessel disease, severe anemia, and ulcerative colitis. For these people, performing a coffee enema does more damage than good.

People who have undergone colon surgery should not have a coffee enema. The same applies to pregnant women and children.

Types of Other Enemas

#1. Saline Solution

This type of enema is done using a mixture of salt and slightly warm water, which is inserted into the rectum using an enema tube.

#2. Fleet’s Phospho Soda

This is one of the most effective enemas, but it can also have many side effects, if not administered properly. It uses sodium phosphate to keep water in the colon.

#3. Mineral Oil

This involves the use of an appropriate oil to lubricate the rectal area, making it easier for waste to pass through.

#4. Milk And Molasses

Mostly done at home, this enema involves using a mixture of milk and molasses, in equal amounts, to aid in passing fecal matter. The sugar contained in both agents is believed to soften the stool.

Keep In Mind…

Due to the potential harm resulting from a coffee enema, it’s important to do some thorough research and consult a medical practitioner before attempting one.

If you think it’s the best solution for you, ensure that you’re not alone when doing the enema. Always have someone who can help, in case things go wrong.