Featured Coffee – Jablum Blue Mountain Coffee

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee has been delighting the taste buds of coffee connoisseurs since the 18th Century. Known for its complex flavor profile, and distinct lack of bitterness, Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is a gourmet variety that will cost you a pretty penny.

The delicious, creamy flavor is worth it, though, and of the different Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee factories, Jablum Coffee (produced by the Mavis Bank Coffee Factory), stands out above the rest. Of course, you can try various Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee brands to see which one you love the most.

coffee by the window to stay warm

History Of Jablum Blue Mountain Coffee

The Mavis Bank Coffee Factory has been operating since 1923, and has become one of the largest producers of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.

Jablum has become their signature Blue Mountain coffee brand, with care, patience, and love delivered with every single coffee bean.

With roots dating back to the 17th century, the Mavis Bank Coffee Factory has nurtured their connection with the original farmers of the Blue Mountain coffee bean, and this shines through in every single cup.

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Overview

The Blue Mountain region of Jamaica has a particular geological profile, which makes for great coffee growing conditions.

Though the region produces only a percentage of the world’s coffee each year, the quality of the beans that are produced is much higher than the other coffee varieties that are grown around the world.

Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee draws the same type of mild flavors from the arabica plant, of which it is a type, but differs in that the bitter tones are nonexistent. This makes it a delicious and delightful type of coffee that can satisfy any palate, no matter how picky.

The Coffee

The microclimate of the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica is responsible for the unique and special coffee berries that grow in these high elevations. The volcanic soil is rich in minerals, and the mist that rolls throughout the mountain range keeps the harsh sun from burning the berries as they grow.

Though the berries grow more slowly than those that are grown in the coffee regions of Brazil and Costa Rica, the flavors are far more desired, due to their rich and delicate aromas.

While the production of Jablum coffee is limited, when compared to other, more prolifically growing coffee varieties, you’ll find that the flavor is enhanced, thanks to the wet processing technique that is used to cultivate the beans.

Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee cherries are picked, then transported using wooden carts, rather than bags, then floated in water on each farm.

Strict quality control is performed to ensure that the beans are free from damage and contamination. Drying can occur over five days, once the mucilage is removed.

The dried bean is rested for ten weeks to ensure that the flavor fully develops before husking takes place. The beans are then stored in Aspen wood barrels until they are certified, and ready for export.

What Makes Jablum Coffee So Great?

In order for coffee to take the name of Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee, it has to be certified by the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica.

The Mavis Bank Coffee Factory produces nothing but the finest in certified Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee, and the Jablum coffee brand is the shining example by which all other Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee brands should be held.

With rich and seductive flavors, Jablum coffee combines sweet and creamy notes to produce a well balanced, and delicious coffee. It is available in three styles to satisfy any taste buds.

  • Jablum Classic is the signature Jamaica Blue Mountain style, with sweet and nutty notes and a mild, acidic aroma.
  • Jablum Gold is a full-bodied dark roast, with a rich and seductive flavor profile.
  • Jablum Caribbean is a flavorful blend that is sure to satisfy any coffee lover.


Of all the Blue Mountain Coffee brands, Jablum by Mavis Bank Coffee Factory is a delicious gourmet coffee variety that will make your morning coffee one of the highlights of your days.

With a strong, balanced flavor, and a rich sweetness, the taste is beyond compare.