When it comes to coffee, some of the best beans in the world come from a tiny country in Central America. Costa Rica, although small, has more than seven different coffee growing regions.
The farmers here produce the best Costa Rica coffee beans that are grown at high elevations, and in soil that is rich. There are many different coffee companies that source beans from these farmers, and one of them is Morning Hills Coffee Company.
Here, we will learn what sets this company apart from all the others, and will take a look at what they have to offer.
Behind Morning Hills Coffee Company: Coffee Community And Charity
At the heart of the Morning Hills Coffee Company, you will find three key principles: coffee, community, and charity.
This company not only makes some of the finest blends of coffee in the world, but they also care about everyone who is involved in the process and the community.
Their focus is not only on high-quality coffee, but also the community in which it grows. This company gives back to the community by investing in local charities.
They also work with farmers and give them fair prices for their beans. This is a working relationship that everyone benefits from.
Morning Hills Coffee Company Has Unique Coffee Products
Most coffee companies roast their beans before selling them on the market. But, Morning Hills has taken a different approach.
With the exception of one coffee blend, all of the beans you buy from them are unroasted. This means that you get a bag of beans that you can have roasted.
Unroasted beans come to you fresh, and all the flavors are locked inside. While they source most of their coffee beans from Costa Rica, they also have beans from other countries around the world.
If you like variety, you can find it here. One of their most popular unroasted coffee beans is the Costa Rican La Rosa.
This coffee comes from the Canton of Naranjo region of the country. The region is known for some of the finest beans in all of the country.
The Freshest Beans!
What makes their beans so fresh is the fact that they source them very shortly after harvest. All of the beans they sell are purchased and bagged within three to six months after harvesting.
This is very important, and is one of the key reasons why so many people love their beans. If you are looking for extremely fresh coffee beans to roast, this company can provide.
Many coffee companies purchase beans that are more than a year old, and this can affect the flavor of the coffee. However, you will never find a dull coffee bean at Morning Hills.
For some of the freshest and most flavorful coffee beans in the world, you can’t go wrong with Morning Hills Coffee. This company not only has great beans, but they also love to give back to the community.
They work hand in hand with local farmers, and help improve the lives of everyone in the community. If you love coffee and a company that cares, why not try some of their flavorful beans?