Pigtrain Coffee Company is a coffee shop and cafe located in Denver, Colorado. More specifically, it can be found inside of Denver’s Union Station. Upon learning that it sits inside a bustling train station, the shop’s name makes more sense, though it is specifically alluding to the type of rail cars that are equipped with truck trailers.
Located Inside the Union Train Station
The pig and train aesthetic set by the name permeates loads of cups and other merchandise available online and at the cafe, but the real aesthetic is set by the interior of the shop and what surrounds it.
With so many customers quickly stopping by, simply grabbing a beverage or snack before their train arrives, there isn’t as much seating within the shop as most other cafes have, and the wooden bar consumes most of the room. To satisfy the high demand, the bar is supported by sometimes as many as eight baristas.
Brew your own Costa Rican coffee beans at home!
Take a Coffee To-Go or Try a Seat With a View
For those customers that have more time, however, they have two prime views to experience. They can sit out on the larger, separate patio that allows for relaxing within and viewing Wynkoop Plaza. This spacious outdoor area is furnished with metal chairs and tables with umbrellas.
Though a bit more cramped due to the hustling pedestrians, customers can also lounge around Union Station itself, which is loaded with couches and cushioned chairs.
They Offer Delicious Locally Sourced Food Items
Whatever space customers choose to enjoy their goods in, the options come as food in forms of breakfast burritos, sammies, quiche, a pastry made with cheddar, turkey, and green chili cream cheese, as well as bagels from Moe’s, and of course, beverages.
The Coffee is Sustainably Sourced
The coffee at Pigtrain comes from Conscious Coffee, who sustainably sources and roasts only green coffee beans. Using these, Pigtrain crafts a few different menu sections. Classics consist of drinks like drip coffee, cortados, espressos, and cappuccinos, and some favorites are mochas, lattes, and chai.
They Have Nitro Cold Brew and Kombucha on Tap
A few beverages come from the tap, such as nitro cold brew and Upstart lemon ginger kombucha, and some drinks like the lavender vanilla latte or the blended blood orange mocha are seasonal. Though these drinks are unique, there are even bigger standouts found under the “Cocktails” section.
Don’t Forget to Try Their Cocktails or Some of Their Many Different Flavors
There are no alcoholic beverages without coffee, but the mixers vary to create drinks such as Irish, Bavarian, Mexican, or Kentucky Coffee, all of which use Conscious Darkside Coffee.
Don’t miss out on the Hand Shaken Cream or melted ice cream, and specific flavors like Irish whiskey, tequila, vanilla syrup, or marble espresso liqueur. So, whether you are seeking a caffeine jolt or an alcoholic buzz before catching a train, Pigtrain Coffee Company can provide it.
1701 Wynkoop St, Denver, Colorado, 80202