CoffeeCon is the ultimate coffee experience for coffee enthusiasts. This event is held annually in different locations. The purpose of CoffeeCon is for coffee lovers to gain valuable knowledge and experience about the art of drinking coffee.
There are booths for sampling coffee, classes where people can learn about the different aspects of coffee, and lots of networking and socialization. CoffeeCon is also attended by the coffee industry’s companies and personnel. Today on Jiale Coffee, we will be digging further into… CoffeeCon!
How CoffeeCon Was Created
CoffeeCon was started in 2012 by Kevin Sinnott. He came up with the idea after deciding to introduce his new book (about coffee) at a live event.
He figured this would be a great way to get publicity, and for people to enjoy their coffee. Sinnott’s actions proved to be right. The first CoffeeCon was a big hit, and it then became an annual event.
CoffeeCon started off in Warrenville, Illinois and eventually made it to bigger cities and settings. Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City were among the biggest venues for this event.
CoffeeCon is such a big hit, because there are thousands of coffee drinkers who cannot get enough of this time-honored beverage.
What Happens During CoffeeCon?
One of the best things that people like about CoffeeCon are the free classes and free coffee provided. There are a wide variety of classes that show coffee lovers the proper grinding methods, and how they can make the best cup of Joe using various brewing styles.
They also explain the different varieties of coffee, and have roasting demos. Some classes will even teach attendees how to select the best type of coffee beans to get the best flavored beverage. There is a lot to learn and discover at this event.
Commercial coffee companies and cafés have been known to participate in these events. They will bring their products for people to sample, and even purchase.
Some coffee companies and restaurants will even hire people on the spot to work at their establishments.
Another big draw to CoffeeCon is the networking that takes place at this event. People who sell coffee from different businesses can get together to check out the competition, or to collaborate on a particular type of coffee drink or brewing method.
Coffee enthusiasts can find coffee lovers like themselves, and form clubs or associations. Some people go to make friends to hang out with, just to drink coffee. Other people attend to discover the best places to get coffee beans or drinks.
The Future Of CoffeeCon
CoffeeCon has grown in size and popularity, and some international companies even fly in for the event. Sponsors always try and help to make the event larger.
Still, the goal of CoffeeCon is not for the coffee companies, restaurants, or shops; it’s for the average person who likes coffee. While event sponsors are necessary and appreciated, they cannot take over CoffeeCon.
The average coffee lover just wants to ensure that the event is all about them, and their simple love for this great drink.
CoffeeCon is expected to grow in size in the future, since more people are finding out that there is an annual gathering for coffee consumers.